Top Five Bodybuilding Facts and Fictions - Greenex Nutrition

Bodybuilding always been a topic of many opinions. We often observe discussing about bodybuilding and seldom agree on the same point. The only reason behind this conceptualization of bodybuilding process is that many a people get different kind of experience because of various reasons, that’s why few are adamant with their opinion. Today’s we are going to divulge few facts and myths about bodybuilding which may help you to give the new perspective about the same.

1. Women Need to Train Differently Than Men

It has been scientifically proved that muscle tissue of men and women is completely same. On a microscopic level, there is virtually no difference. It’s just men and women have different levels of the same hormones, and that's what is responsible for the difference in the amount of muscle a man can typically put on and the amount of muscle a woman can typically gain. If they have same goal they need not to make even slightest change in workout.   

The only difference in training might be as a result of cultural, sexual preferences. A woman might desire to develop her glutes a little more so she looks better in a pair of jeans. Similarly, a man might want to build his biceps or tri to look muscular and well built. So, this would be baseless to say that workout varies on genders. 

2. If You Stop Working Out Your Muscle Will Turn into Fat

This is very irrational to say that Muscle can turn into fat because these two are made up of different component. Muscle is made up of individual cells that undergo all kinds of complex metabolic processes. Fat cells are simply storage packets of lipids. The possibility of one changing into another is alike to gold turning tin. 

If you stop working out or stopped training your muscles on a consistent basis, they will simply adapt to the new condition. In other words, they'll shrink, I mean size will be reduced because of lack of regular resistance on muscles. If the degree of inactivity or immobilization is severe and you are not taking the proper diet, the muscles will shrink faster than the surrounding skin, and a temporary condition of loose skin might be experienced, but that too would remedy itself with time. Muscles are like a protein storage of your body. When your body feel lack of required protein and energy muscles depletes and fill the requirement for the same. So, even if you stop doing workout you lose what you built, not what you have avoided.

3. Training Like a Powerlifter Will Make Your Physique Look Blocky. 

Muscles in block shape, like baldness or a flat chest, is a genetic trait. If you were born blocky, then powerlifting will simply make you a bigger blocky person. If you don’t have hereditary advantages still you can build the blocky physique.  The only way to offset a blocky appearance is to give special emphasis to the lats, the outer muscles of the thighs, and to a fat-reducing diet which will keep the midsection as narrow as possible. With these modifications, you will give your body the illusion of a more "aerodynamic" appearance. The truth is, powerlifting exercises are excellent for bodybuilding. So, Yes Powerlifting workout gives you blocky muscles and helps you to gain fast. 

4. High Repetitions Make Your Muscles Harder and More Cut Up

Although there is some evidence to suggest that high repetitions might induce some extra capillary intrusion into a muscle, they will do nothing to make the muscle harder or more cut up. If a completely sedentary person began weightlifting, using either low reps or high reps, he or she would experience a rapid increase in tonus, the degree of muscular contraction that the muscle maintains even when that muscle is relaxed, but that would happen regardless of rep range. 

The only way that high repetitions would make a muscle more cut up is if, by doing a higher number of reps, your body as a whole was in negative energy balance, and you were burning more calories than you were ingesting. The truth is, heavy weights, lifted for 5-8 reps per set, can build rock-hard muscles. You just have to get the fat off them to see how "hard" they are. Increase Reps not Repetitions 

5. Disciplined Training Is the Best Way to Promote Gains

If bodybuilders followed their routine wisely, they'd get the desired result sooner than irregular one. Instinctive training is a wonderful catch-phrase, and it might even work for those who are active user of medicine which are not appreciated by outsider of the bodybuilding industry. However, in a natural bodybuilder are much more benefited to long-term, consistent gains in muscular gain.  People tend to procrastinate things after good outcomes by the bad supplements. So, rather focusing on the material maintain the consistency and discipline. 

Research results conducted by exercise physiologists recommend a systematic approach such as the one encompassed by periodization where the bodybuilder, through a period of several weeks gain good muscle mass than irregular workout for long duration. 

These are 5 point you need to consider honestly for the astonishing and terrific physique.  This article is featured by Greenex Nutrition (GXN); A sports and bodybuilding nutrition company. GXN is popular for providing authentic and quality nutrition. You may fill your cart with the best supplement visiting 



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