
Showing posts from March, 2019

Top Five Bodybuilding Facts and Fictions - Greenex Nutrition

Bodybuilding always been a topic of many opinions. We often observe discussing about bodybuilding and seldom agree on the same point. The only reason behind this conceptualization of bodybuilding process is that many a people get different kind of experience because of various reasons, that’s why few are adamant with their opinion. Today’s we are going to divulge few facts and myths about bodybuilding which may help you to give the new perspective about the same. 1. Women Need to Train Differently Than Men It has been scientifically proved that muscle tissue of men and women is completely same. On a microscopic level, there is virtually no difference. It’s just men and women have different levels of the same hormones, and that's what is responsible for the difference in the amount of muscle a man can typically put on and the amount of muscle a woman can typically gain. If they have same goal they need not to make even slightest change in workout.    The onl...

How to Gain Weight Fast as Possible?

This is article is for you if you are here to know how to gain weight to look muscular and fit. We can’t deny the fact that muscle is the primary factor in terms of appearance. A Physique having good posture makes you more presentable and appealing. One and the most common hurdle comes in between when you think about bodybuilding is skinny physique. Skinny physique could be a reason for demotivation or to lowering your confidence level in public. So, before I tell you the best weight gainer to gain weight fast as possible I would like to introduce you with the mechanism of the weight gaining process and how to gain weight fast and smoothly.  Skinny physique not always mean that is people is deprived of required food because there are many other factors as well.  The primary reason behind skinny physique:- Weak metabolism. Eating disorder. Lack of workout.  Illness (physical or mental) Vitamins deficiency  Mostly, the above-mentioned reason...